Legitimate question on banned preacher gets twisted

YOURSAY | ‘All speaking for the sake of saying something.’
Apologise to Perlis mufti and all Muslims, Bersatu leader tells Rayer
Robbie98: The facts show that Muslim preacher Zakir Naik was banned from speaking in public by the police. The ban still stands.
RSN Rayer raised the issue in Parliament as an elected MP. So, what is the bile about? Mr Bersatu?
We are still ruled by a constitution the last time I checked. Religious dictates don’t overrule the Constitution, at least not yet.
Why must Jelutong MP apologise to Asri and all Malays?
Bersatu supreme council member Dr Afif Bahardin is trying very hard to outshine “the other one” with his wisdom. God, please give this country and the people a break from stupidity and unwise politicking.
Vijay47: Welcome to Malaysia. Against the law, the bar has been raised a few notches higher. You don’t like it? That’s too bad.
Muslim extremism has come home to roost, and it seems to be frantically spreading across the country.
We are now being informed that Malaysian rules and regulations do not apply to Islamic matters.
We thus see that the police restriction against public speeches by Zakir, who is on the run from the authorities in India, can easily be disregarded by any Muslim leader.
More shockingly, anyone who questions this blatant breach of the law is treated like a criminal.
Has Islamic law and decisions become superior to the Constitution?
Zakir and his breaking of the police ban can be treated as a minor matter, but the support for this act has been taken to serious, dangerous, and illegal levels.
Religious leaders and politicians are openly challenging the supreme law of Malaysia.
What are you doing about this, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim?
We expect you to soundly condemn these attacks on the Constitution and get the police to take appropriate action.
By the way, Perlis Mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin is a religious leader.
Chefoo: All speaking for the sake of saying something. Who is stroking 2R issues now?
Rayer merely asked how a person banned from giving talks would be allowed to do just that in Perlis.
For this, he was shamed by the Perlis mufti and now this guy threatened to make a police report.
This guy doesn’t even understand the real story but shoots his mouth off.
RedCobra8892: Indeed, Rayer did not question Zakir’s presence in Malaysia nor did he question Asri’s decisions.
Afif, before you go ballistic and irrational, perhaps you should read what was said by Rayer a few times and just maybe you may see some light.
Just for your benefit, I have taken the liberty to condense what was said for your easy consumption.
The crux of the matter is why Zakir was allowed to deliver a speech in Perlis when there is a police ban in effect. It was a simple question.
RR: As MP, Rayer raised a legitimate question whether the ban on Zakir from giving religious talks has been removed since Zakir spoke at an event in Perlis.
Before the police or the Islamic council could respond, the propaganda-seeking politicians and some religious leaders jumped in “to make hay while the sun shines” for their selfish and vested interests.
Therefore, police and government must put an end to this nonsensical squabble before it deteriorates.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Has the 2019 Home Ministry ban on Zakir giving public speeches and preaching been lifted?
Can the Perlis mufti override a federal law?
What is so special about Zakir? If he is so respected by Muslims, why is it that Zakir cannot return to Saudi Arabia where he claims to be a citizen or Permanent Resident?
The reason the ban was first imposed was because Zakir was perceived to be a threat to public order and security.
After all, he made speeches that were deemed to be inflammatory and sensitive towards non-Malays and non-Muslims.
Yes, he may have Permanent Resident status in Malaysia, but that is subject to conditions, and it can be revoked at any time by the home minister.
Permanent Resident status is a privilege and not a right. Would Bersatu supreme council member Dr Afif Bahardin and Muslims be pleased if Christian apologists Sam Shamoun or David Wood were invited by non-Muslims to give a speech?
Respect, understanding and tolerance must work both ways.
Koel: What value can anyone attach to Perikatan Nasional secretary-general Azmin Ali’s assurances about acceptance and inclusiveness?
So we now see which political party is behind these Zakir shenanigans in Perlis.
Looks like this party also has little regard for the rule of law because it is being run by more political juveniles.
At the slightest concern about them breaking the rule of law, this unelected fellow demands apologies from a parliamentarian and a sitting MP.
This is the law of the jungle. Does Malaysia need such fellows in power, behaving with arrogance and riding roughshod over laws and principles?
Falcon: A very serious question was asked with the expectation of a reply. It was a “law and order” question.
A much-needed update. It never came. Why? If it had come, the current controversies could have been avoided.
There would have been no reason for busybodies, serial police report manufacturers, and political and religious operatives to hijack the matter and plunge the nation into another manufactured crisis by a persona non-grata.
Yes, truly another day in Malaysia whose political players seem more obsessed with global issues rather than domestic optics gone rabid.
I look forward to Malaysiakini columnist S Thayaparan’s brief, if he decides to address this matter.
Ranjit Singh Malhi: Stay strong, Rayer. Malaysia needs fearless leaders like you – leaders who dare to defend the rule of law and stand unwavering against those who seek to undermine our secular foundations.
In these challenging times, your steadfastness is a beacon of hope for all right-thinking Malaysians who cherish justice, equality, and the true spirit of our nation.
You are not alone – we stand with you.
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