Vernacular schools foster unity better than politicians

YOURSAY | ‘As expected, Umno Youth has nothing to contribute to nation-building.’
Umno Youth exco: Closing SJKC, SJKT better for unity than inclusive history
Penangkid: Those who call for the closure of vernacular schools either do not understand the real issue or refuse to acknowledge it.
The fact that Malay parents are increasingly choosing Chinese schools proves that it is not about race, but about quality of education.
If national schools were high-quality, competitive, and free from political interference, parents, regardless of race, would have no reason to look elsewhere.
Instead of blaming vernacular schools, we should be demanding better national schools for all Malaysians.
MarioT: Umno Youth fails to see the benefits of promoting our true history, so the children can know the contributions of all races who built this nation into what it is and that is, a nation where we can all work and live in harmony.
The vernacular education system is not the subject of scrutiny but that of our history. So, it is pointless to use it in reference or for comparison.
More non-Chinese, especially the Malays, are enrolling their children in Chinese schools, seeing it as more beneficial than the national type schools.
Improve the current mainstream education system and then there may be room for unification.
PurpleCat9452: As long as this country continues to practice affirmative policies based on race and religion, even if you gather everyone under one roof, interracial ill feelings will never disappear.
The suggestion to abolish vernacular schools is no different from the suggestion of the abolition of tahfiz schools.
It will achieve nothing so long as the country is divided unequally. Unity cannot be achieved through “forced assimilation”.
ScarletHorse1295: There is no issue in seeking unity with a common tongue. However, there is an issue when the desire to do so is done not with unity in mind but with uniformity.
The constant bickering and desire to eliminate vernacular school stems from a desire to dominate rather than unite.
They see the success of vernacular schools as a threat to their domination.
That’s why they cannot add value to this topic other than to call for its abolition.
As long as the standards of public schools do not improve and the existence of little napoleons seeking one race and religious agenda in education continues, vernacular schools will always be a necessity.
Mazhilamani: The senior wing of Umno has been expecting its Youth wing to serve as its supply pipe to fill up the vacated positions left by outgoing ageing leaders.
A simple question by Kota Melaka MP Khoo Poay Tiong has been misread and deliberately misunderstood, and we now have Umno Youth executive council member Wan Zuhir Ghazali calling for the closure of vernacular schools.
Zuhir, what has the teaching of history about the races to do with closing vernacular schools?
The senior party leaders have to check the erosion caused by the youth leaders.
Ranjit Singh Malhi: Our nation is blessed with abundant natural resources and a wealth of talented, hardworking citizens.
Yet, it remains burdened by political leaders who lack vision and wisdom, driven by a narrow, divisive, and racially charged agenda.
Instead of uniting and uplifting the nation, they sow discord, stifle progress, and squander the immense potential of our people. Malaysia deserves better.
Thickskin: As expected, Umno Youth has nothing to contribute to nation-building.
Instead of embracing diversity, their minds are focused on ways of creating disunity.
Studies have repeatedly shown that the quality of education in vernacular schools is much higher, so much so that Malays are flocking to have their children study there.
KitaBoleh: Based on the logic of this outdated politician, the history syllabus doesn’t serve its purpose. It’s flawed and he is fighting to defend it.
If just by speaking the same language, why are the Malays abandoning his party, Umno, since it’s their mission to protect the race and language? Something is very wrong with this breed of politicians.
Malaysiakini, please do us a favour by ignoring politicians like these.
G: In the current Malaysian political landscape, as long as a matter comes from DAP, it is considered 100 percent wrong.
The supporting arguments are 101 percent related to race and religion. Last but not least, the concept of “ketuanan” (supremacy) will always apply.
What a shame for these politicians. Even worse, their followers love it. Otherwise, it wouldn’t keep repeating non-stop.
Siva 0471: I think Umno should say abolish locals from international schools, so all can mingle properly. That would be better.
I propose Malaysiakini do a survey on the percentage of Malay students in vernacular schools.
The survey must also include how many non-Malay students there are in national schools in big townships.
This data can show why people send their children to specific schools.
Save our currency: If the Singapore government can school in one stream, then why can’t Malaysians?
There are no vernacular schools there and Singapore is doing very well. Shouldn’t we follow their example?
Cogito Ergo Sum: Zuhir, this is why, and many other reasons, Umno is on its way out.
Your party’s demise is only one general election away. Please hasten your departure with more such statements.
Zaheed: As mentioned many times before, the root cause of disunity in Malaysia is the politicians.
Just get rid of them, and we’ll have peace and unity amongst all races in Malaysia. These politicians constantly sow the seeds of disunity, hate and instigation.
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