
Despite calls to step aside, DAP still needs Guan Eng

YOURSAY | ‘Guan Eng is arrogant, but he’s the only who dares to speak out’

KINIGUIDE | Deity’s send-off: Unravelling move against Guan Eng

Outlier: Personally, although I think that DAP national chairperson Lim Guan Eng is abrasive and arrogant. He is also the only one in the party who dares speak out.

The rest of the bunch are just technocratic, competent ministers who are as silent as a church mouse when it comes to defending minority rights.

Below them is another bunch of competent social workers.

Sad to say, this reminds me of MCA who were generally competent in their ministerial portfolios (albeit with some corruption scandals like Port Klang Free Zone), supported by a crew and cast of competent social workers at the state level.

If the grassroots are happy voting out Guan Eng, so be it but be warned that they will be losing the last outspoken voice who at least dares to speak out somewhat, albeit with constraints.

Then, the party can fall back on DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke and his “discuss behind closed doors” and “raised in cabinet meetings” mantras.

DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng (middle) and secretary-general Anthony Loke (right).

Proarte: I am not a worshipper of deities, but I am a strong supporter of Guan Eng. He has dedicated his life to making Malaysia a better place for everyone.

He went to jail in the course of fighting for the rights of an underaged Malay girl who was allegedly raped.

He is hardworking, upright and has a naturally combative style which is vital in a political milieu of bullying, racism and religious bigotry.

Guan Eng is an icon like his father (Lim Kit Siang) and should be retained to offer his guidance and example for the future generation of DAP leaders.

The current DAP ministers are widely regarded as pusillanimous, unwilling to challenge the supremacist Malay ideology that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is self-consciously projecting.

This playing safe attitude is something which is going to set Malaysia back years in terms of social cohesiveness and economic advancement.

It should be obvious why Guan Eng is facing nonsensical corruption charges and why he was not given a ministerial position.

It is because he has unswerving principles and strength of character to stand up for what is right for Malaysia.

Fair Play: Just thinking aloud about the story of a Chinese business dynasty.

  1. The old man (grandfather) started the business.

  2. The father expanded it.

  3. The son destroyed it.

In this analogy, would it be fair to suggest the following for DAP?

  1. Karpal, P Patto and Kit Siang are the grandfathers.

  2. Guan Eng is one of the fathers.

  3. Loke, parliamentary leader Nga Kor Ming and Sim are the sons.

Would DAP last only three generations? Maybe they can then join MCA and MIC?

BlackDeer5241: Under Loke and Ng, we have seen a very compliant DAP remaining stone-silent against Anwar’s policies and directives by ministers that are trampling on the rights of non-Malays.

They are more concerned about their ministerships and the perks and power that come with it (and Anwar knows they are in his palm) that better to remain quiet and not upset the prime minister and the real power behind Umno.

DAP will suffer the same fate as MCA, which stood quiet all these years against Umno.

The Chinese voters have seen enough and can’t wait to vote out PKR and DAP.

Loke with DAP parliamentary leader Nga Kor Ming

Anonymous54: I opined that those aligned with the faction to remove Guan Eng are playing into the hands of PKR and Umno.

If the members do not see the bark from the trees, DAP may eventually lose control of the Penang state government to Umno and PKR.

segamatdoc85: Correct me if I’m wrong. I feel Penang DAP chief Steven Sim should be the future of DAP.

He is young and knows how to play his cards on social media, especially when he is seen coming down to the ground helping Malays, and his fluency in Malay.

Have the genteelism of Loke, but the integrity of Karpal Singh and Kit Siang, and who knows, if it ever snows in hell, Sim will be accepted by the Malays and may become the first Chinese prime minister.

Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing, with his “Trump fist” moment (him riding a boat into flood-stricken areas during the first day of Chinese New Year), could become Sim’s fiery “JD Vance”.

Guan Eng is fiery, yes, but all I see on his Facebook that I follow are court cases and commentaries, rarely anything about coming down and helping the Malays.

He’ll forever be the “Chinese” face of DAP. The Malays could barely stomach it when he became Finance Minister under former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.

He has zero social media skills and the young Malays will always fear him.

Guan Eng should step aside and stop hamstringing the young blood in DAP who are more attuned to the youth of Malaysia.

Penang DAP chief Steven Sim (right)

Thesaint: Good to have fresh blood and younger leaders. But a strong and principled no-nonsense leader is very crucial in politics.

Voters in the US voted for Donald Trump not because he was seen as a consensus builder but because he was action-oriented. The outcome was the priority.

I personally think Guan Eng must be on the Central Executive Committee (CEC) for another term. He is tough and calls a spade a spade!

Knucklehead: For the betterment of DAP and Malaysia, Guan Eng and his family must step aside.

DAP should not be a political dynasty—this kind of practice belongs in Umno, not at a party that claims to champion reforms.

Leadership should be based on merit, not family ties. No one should be beholden to any individual or family in elections, whether in DAP or the nation.

Malaysia deserves better.
Joeganes: @Knucklehead: Leadership should be based on DAP’s principles too.

When you see black, call it black, not white for the sake of your positions, perks and worse, using the coalition as an excuse to remain silent.

I WONDER?: No big deal. Nobody is indispensable.

In the event Guan Eng is out of the first round of 30, he should be co-opted into the CEC where he can still contribute positively to help tackle external issues, something he is best at.

Lone_star: Are there any political parties without factions? May the best win for the sake of the party and the nation.

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