DJs’ apologies after insulting Hindus not enough

YOURSAY | ‘Their behaviour reflects lack of understanding and respect.’
Era FM hosts apologise for insult to Hindus, Fahmi orders probe
Vijay47: Every sane person, especially all Hindus, will be outraged.
But I doubt a single Malaysian is convinced that appropriate action will be taken against all those involved, including the radio station, for this offensive display towards Hinduism.
Ignorance may be offered as a defence, but if you are unaware of the clip’s insulting nature, you do not deserve to be a resident of this country.
Two consequences are possible.
Firstly, we may be assured that action will be taken when it refers to offences against non-Muslim religions, usually amounting to a friendly reprimand by memo.
In truth, will Era FM be barred from broadcasting for at least a meaningful period?
Will the star of the show be dismissed and police action taken against him? We all await that glorious day.
There is also the likelihood of excuses that the fault essentially lies with the Hindus, that they are unable to accept an innocent act portrayed with no intention to offend.
As we are aware, the wrong always seems to be with the non-Muslims. Any offence by Muslims is always unintentional.
But the buck effectively lies with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.
Just three days ago, he was crowing about how his comrades in government, including, of course, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, have contributed to stability.
Is this the latest affront to non-Muslim faiths? How is this achieved? More importantly, what will your response be?
Another delicate issue that evokes your usual elegant silence? Will you for once be a man of your word? “Semua anak saya”, remember? (All are my children, remember?)
Cogito Ergo Sum: The video demonstrates the intent to humiliate and degrade a certain section of the Malaysian populace.
To upload it for mass circulation is evidence of publicly insulting the Indian community of the Hindu faith.
This action will go on if the authorities do not come down hard and prefer criminal charges against the offenders and the main actor.
That is asking too much from a regime that is failing in popularity. The authorities should suspend this Era FM station for a while.
After all, previous regimes have suspended newspapers and even fined one online news portal RM500,000.
For a Better World: Religion and their belief systems, the holy books, practices and traditions are highly sensitive issues in multiracial, multi-religious Malaysia.
The display of disgraceful and comical acts depicting the kavadi carrier’s movements by some is certainly despicable and unwarranted.
Some people conclude, ”Oh, it’s just for a joke, or done unintentionally, simply for fun, thus ought to be accepted as such. They have apologised.
Similarly, what if a non-Malay makes some jokes or movements or acts of Muslims bowing down in prayer in a mosque?
Your guess is as good as mine that the authorities would swiftly move in and arrest all involved and charge them in court for committing religious disharmony.
Mano: Apology? Even the stance they are offering the apology shows the three of them are unrepentant.
They dare use the word “unintentionally” insulting Hindus. They knew what they were doing. Their intention was clear.
The non-Malays will not put an act of how Muslims pray and their azan – because we are brought up as such to respect.
All three should be charged in a court of law. The spectators who cheered them on should be hauled up, too.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Take the apology and stuff it. All three should be suspended pending an investigation.
The Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) should haul up the top management of Era FM and issue a show-cause notice as to why their licence should not be revoked.
What sort of behaviour is this? The police should investigate under the Penal Code, the MCMC Act and the Sedition Act. Why wait?
The video is in the public domain. Where is the National Unity Minister Aaron Ago Dagang? Sleeping?
The sense of entitlement and arrogance of these people is astounding.
YellowCondor6925: I am deeply concerned by the insensitive remarks made by these DJs regarding a religious matter.
It is challenging to comprehend how such thoughtless actions can be tolerated as they have the potential to cause significant discomfort within the Indian community.
Their behaviour reflects a lack of understanding and respect. I believe immediate action should be taken to address this issue.
It is disappointing to see such a disregard for cultural sensitivity, which tarnishes their credibility.
BetterMY: I don’t think any legal action should be taken. Instead, (if) they think an apology should suffice, and if it doesn’t look sincere, it simply reflects badly on their families, community and religion.
That’s far more damage than any punishment can throw out.
On the other hand, if action is warranted to demonstrate equality with the law, it should be for the act of jeopardising public harmony and order and not for insulting Hindus and Hinduism alone.
This is a good time to demonstrate that religion and God don’t need our defending.
MarioT: They are not children but responsible adult broadcasters and cannot claim ignorance for this disrespectful act.
I see it as an intentional action, knowing the sensitivity involved. Apology has become a norm after causing undue tension and anxiety.
They should be suspended as a lesson for stirring up ill feelings.
GP2025: After all the public debates on cultural sensitivities in the media, these radio hosts didn’t know that what they were doing was wrong.
Where do they live? Under a coconut shell? Such people should not be radio hosts.
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