
Anwar sends mixed messages in trying to please allies

YOURSAY | ‘If you want everyone to be happy, sell ice cream.’

Latheefa dares Anwar to free Najib if ex-PM victimised

JWKK: Bravo and thank you former MACC chief commissioner Latheefa Koya.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has said he is determined to fight corruption. Yet he has been saying and doing things behind the scenes to undermine his so-called fight.

The biggest hypocrite in Malaysia is what he is today.

I recall his interview with the foreign media when he said he did not want former prime minister Najib Razak to be treated like he was when in prison.

However, he did not provide any evidence that Najib was treated badly. On the contrary, whatever the public had seen of Najib hardly showed that he was badly treated.

He never had to wear the orange prison attire or any other colour for prison attire. Instead, he was shown always wearing his usual suit and tie.

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak

Madam Latheefa, please continue to monitor this biggest hypocrite of Malaysia today.

GanMu: Latheefa, you are one of the very special exemplary politicians who speak truth to power. When you are downright honest and straightforward, there is nothing to hide.

When one starts lying, he has to continue lying to cover up that first lie. This is what is happening today.

Anwar, in trying to please his allies, whose support is essential for his premiership, appears to be finding ways to go around the issue to get Najib a house arrest.

This is probably at the behest of Umno, whose support is key for the government.

Under Anwar, Najib jumped the queue for pardon without even serving a minimum of five years in prison, bypassed many others without him even admitting his crime, and got his jail sentence and fine reduced.

Through interviews overseas, he appears to show sympathy towards Najib, one of which was special treatment for him.

I wonder if the cabinet approved this move! With just one interview with UK-based Financial Times, you have been transparent and it is so clear for all to see.

I was very proud reading the interview – it is heartening to know we still have such honest people with high values and integrity. If 60 percent of our politicians had this quality, our country would be much better.

Letdown since 2018: It is just team Dr Mahathir Mohamad vs team Anwar. When former prime minister Mahathir is attacked by Anwar’s ally, a Mahathir ally like Latheefa responds.

Just a war of words to boost each narcissist’s ego. Nothing more that can contribute to the country but only inflate each respective egos.

Wonder what will happen when Bossku gets his house arrest or full pardon?

This is “Bolehland” where the impossible is possible when it can secure one’s political power and standing.

Anwar himself is a convicted felon but was given a full pardon when the political situation made it possible.

‘100 days to Anwar’s freedom’ event

He became prime minister through political horse-trading and was not the choice of the voters. Talk about possibilities.

Chefoo: I don’t understand Anwar. One minute he says he is going after those who steal people’s money and the next minute he expresses compassion for kleptocrats.

He seems to have a split personality when it comes to corruption.

The best part, he is trying to please the ones who admonish and curse him from Umno, notwithstanding Najib, who played a part in Anwar being imprisoned for Sodomy 2.0.

There are no words to describe Anwar.

GP2025: As Latheefa explains it, people are getting weary of Anwar’s theatrics.

What is most disillusioning and disappointing is that no government MP fully aware of the transgressions has the courage nor the will to effect a change.

That says a great deal about Malaysian politicians. No word from the prime minister despite the major scandal in Sabah.

Anwar should resign or call for snap elections.

Knucklehead: Latheefa, you hit the nail on the head! This is just more of Anwar’s theatrics – his daily routine of indecisiveness, constantly confusing people.

In the end, Anwar himself is the one who caused the confusion. Simple as that!

What a waste of time when we should be focusing on strengthening the economy and making Malaysia great again.

Instead, he remains obsessed with his theatrics!

Zaheed: Why were the other actors in the 1MDB scandal not prosecuted as well Latheefa?

Do you mean all this was done by just one man? Or was it because they just wanted to get rid of Najib?

Probably the other guilty parties were not as important for political purposes for the MACC and the powers that be at that time. Very strange indeed.

Undecided: Anwar should stop these kinds of unprincipled accusations as they undermine the judiciary.

It is not in line with the unity government’s trust placed on the judiciary on the addendum issue.

Freethinker: As always, Anwar has become so pathetic in his handling of this case because is is trying to please everyone. If you want everyone to be happy, sell ice cream.

Leaders must do what is right for their people based on the rule of law and justice, not what is convenient.

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