
If you do the crime, do the time without five-star treatment

YOURSAY | ‘Najib may have been PM, but he lost all right to privilege when he stole from the country.’

Anwar: I went through hell in prison, but won’t treat Najib that way

Koel: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim needs to stop these straw man arguments.

Did someone ask him to get former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak beaten or deprived of food?

People are appalled at the state’s double standards in the treatment of this elite convict.

Why is this man strutting around in designer wear and getting privileged access to the internet, special conditions, food and so on?

Has the law been amended to provide for a class system for prisoners?

This is discriminatory, hypocritical and typical third world grovelling to someone completely unworthy of any consideration.

No wonder Malaysia was found to be the country with the highest power distance in the study conducted years ago by Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede. Looks like nothing has changed since that study that was conducted in the 1960s and 1970s.

Considering what Anwar has inflicted on this country, this special treatment is particularly galling to the people!

Najib may have been the prime minister, but he lost all respect and his right to any privilege when he stole from the country he was supposed to protect.

This was a cowardly use of position and power to practice deceit on the nation.

It was perpetrated by the collusion of sycophantic persons and cowardly agencies that forgot their duty to the nation.

It is urgent that a message is sent to all those in such positions that the country will not stand for this.

Enough with the weak excuses. Let there be the same justice system for all.

Vijay47: Anwar, you are not as intelligent as you would like us to believe.

Najib’s sentence and your fight against corruption are the two areas you should have steered clear of. Venture into them and you reveal your true self.

Amazingly, you suggest that the unfortunate fact that Najib was once prime minister entitles him to prison treatment the common person cannot hope for. Where is this enshrined?

Do we have one mercy and compassion law for former premiers and their preferred dessert and another law for the ordinary person?

Don’t forget that Najib’s entire Pardons Board journey will forever hang over your head.

By the way, stop that stale song that when in prison you were beaten up almost to death. Nothing like that ever happened.

Yes, you were assaulted, but in the process just received a black eye. Which, incidentally, not many may now not be sorry about.

You have saved the best for the last. You piously end by saying “But steal from the public purse – I’ve no authority to forgive you”.

What did every court in Malaysia decide that Najib was guilty of?

Drkam: We get your empathy, but if you claim you don’t interfere with other institutions like the prison system, then why is a convicted felon getting VIP treatment?

You endured prison life – no quinoa, no butterscotch pudding. So why should Najib get the five-star inmate package?

If you think our prison system is terrible, then upgrade it for everyone, not just one privileged prisoner.

He did the crime, he must do the time – otherwise, future corrupt politicians might start expecting spa treatments and room service behind bars!

Mgpowl: Anwar went through hell? So did all those who went through detention without trial.

Their pain was worse than Anwar’s, who was found guilty.

But they don’t crow about it except Anwar to make it seem like he was innocent. Was he? We know, but the foreign press doesn’t.

Fooling the world to get sympathy. Shameful.

Anonymous_16044: Anwar, there should be no double standards under the law including sentencing, no matter how exalted one’s status is.

Your experience in prison is irrelevant. If you are concerned about prison conditions, improve prison and cell conditions.

Appoint an independent inspector of prisons.

There are thousands of others languishing in our prisons for lesser crimes than stealing millions or billions!

World Citizen: Anwar admits that the law applies differently to the elites than to ordinary folks.

Hello sir, nobody is above the law and the law should treat everyone equally.

Why don’t you understand this simple fact?

This is the only country in the entire world where a convicted prisoner who stole a huge amount of public money and has impoverished a nation of a few generations is served a specially cooked butterscotch pudding while in prison.

This is the only country where the prime minister openly admits this particular convicted prisoner is given special treatment.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Najib’s crimes affect future generations. It’s not one or two or a hundred people who are affected.

Generations will be paying off the debts accumulated.

Anwar himself is juggling the limited coffers to bring development.

The nation in all sectors is suffering from a lack of funds and will be suffering for decades.

Did Najib show mercy when he committed the crimes? He was the prime minister, and he was entrusted with our hard-earned monies to invest in our future.

Now, the future will have to pay for his obscene lavish lifestyle. Including his stay at Kajang.

IndigoRaven7048: I couldn’t understand what Anwar was trying to say. We are not interested in how you feel.

It’s not about you and Najib, it’s about upholding justice. No special treatment for any person, in or outside jail.

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